package Cookbook::DBIUtils; use strict; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(dbh_terminate); sub dbh_terminate { # Subroutine based on the connect() methods of Apache::DBI and DBI. # The idea is to get the id of the connection and remove it from # the pool of cached connections. # Ok, this part is stolen right from DBI->connect(). # Remember that Apache::DBI->connect() is never called directly - it # receives its arguments from So we have to regenerate # the connect string eventually received by Apache::DBI. my $arg = shift; $arg =~ s/^dbi:\w*?(?:\((.*?)\))?://i or '' =~ /()/; my $driver_attrib_spec = $1; unshift @_, $arg; my @args = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_; $driver_attrib_spec = { split /\s*=>?\s*|\s*,\s*/, $driver_attrib_spec } if $driver_attrib_spec; my $attr = { PrintError=>1, AutoCommit=>1, ref $args[3] ? %{$args[3]} : (), ref $driver_attrib_spec ? %$driver_attrib_spec : (), }; # Now we are in Apache::DBI->connect(), where we can generated # the key Apache::DBI associates with the current connection. my $Idx = join $;, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]; while (my ($key,$val) = each %{$attr}) { $Idx .= "$;$key=$val"; } # Once we have the ID of the connection, we can retrieve the # internal hash that Apache::DBI uses to hold the connections. my $handlers = Apache::DBI->all_handlers; my $r = Apache->request; if ($handlers->{$Idx}) { $r->warn("About to terminate the connection..."); unless (delete $handlers->{$Idx}) { $r->log_error("Could not terminate connection $Idx"); return; } } else { $r->log_error("Could not find the connection $Idx"); return; } return 1; } 1;